Financial Accounting & Reporting

How do I determine the appropriate object code to use for my transaction?

You can review the University’s object code list which is available online at: to choose an appropriate code for your need.  If after reviewing the list you are still uncertain about the proper code to use you should contact your tub central finance office for help.

Read more about How do I determine the appropriate object code to use for my transaction?

What it is in Account 0375 and what does it mean?

Object 0375 “Due to/Due from” represents a Tub’s working capital.  Since most cash isn’t on a Tub’s balance sheet, the activity in this account represents the inflows of revenues/cash items (receivables collected, funds transferred, Misc. income collected, etc.) and outflows of expense/cash items (invoice payments, salary payments, etc.). 

How do new gifts to the endowment get unitized and how does the endowment distribution work?

All gifts coming into the endowment are unitized proportionally over a three-month period (i.e. each new gift will “purchase” endowment units equal to one-third of the historic dollar value each month for three months), beginning in the month following the receipt of the gift.  This methodology is applied consistently across all gifts intended for the endowment, regardless of value (i.e., non minimum threshold). This process mitigates the fact that unit values assigned to new gifts may not reflect up-to-date valuations of certain, less liquid asset classes.

 New gifts do...

Read more about How do new gifts to the endowment get unitized and how does the endowment distribution work?

What are the requirements for interim reporting?

On a quarterly basis, all tubs follow interim reporting guidelines for booking accruals, deferrals, and prepaids, and process any significant internal transfers with other tubs.  For specific questions on these guidelines, please contact your local Tub Finance Office. Your Tub Finance Office can also reach out to the Tub Analyst with any specific questions.

Subsequent to the close, the Tub Finance Office is responsible for completing the quarterly review checklist and the interim reporting template flux analysis (both CINA and BS). Further information on the reporting...

Read more about What are the requirements for interim reporting?

Who are the Tub Analysts assigned to each tub?

The Tub Analysts are as follows:

Emily Zasowski – Team Leader

Tom Halevy – HMS, SPH, SEAS, HSDM, Wyss, HUIT, UHS, Benefits

Kerri Natale – FAS, HBS, HBSP, HKS, HLS, GSE, RAD

Rebecca Ferber – GSD, DIV, Campus Services, CADM, Allieds, UIFI, President’s Initiative, Allston, Harvard Global 


Why do FinStar queries return balances for the code combination equal to 0?

Use Case: A record in HDWPRODS DWGL_PERIOD_CHILD_BALANCES VIEW for my code combination for each period in this year, when I run a query for the same code in DWCENPRDs DW_PERIOD_BALANCES_F_SV, I see 1 record for the current month. Balances for the code combination=0

The FinStar loads specifically exclude rows where the fact values in all columns equal zero. HDWPROD, because it is really the Oracle transaction system base table, reflects the way Oracle handles the balances, which allows all balances in a row to be zero.

How, you might be wondering, do there...

Read more about Why do FinStar queries return balances for the code combination equal to 0?

What do I need to do to split an existing CVR into two CVRs?

Assuming that you are an Authorized Requestor with authority to modify the CVR, you will need to:

  • submit a request to add a new CVR that covers the range of org values (if you are submitting an org-based CVR) that will be split off from the existing CVR. Requests to ADD new CVRs must be accompanied by a completed CVR template, which outlines the ranges of funds, activities, or root values that are to be allowed by the CVR. Contact your tub's Applications Administrator (see the Applications Administrators by Tub document available under Troubleshooting on the CSMA ABLE...
Read more about What do I need to do to split an existing CVR into two CVRs?